Written Appraisals
Written Appraisals
We provide written appraisal documents for individuals, financial planners, corporations, attorneys, trust and estates and other financial institutions. Our appraisals can be used for the purpose of insurance, probate, donations, theft loss, dissolution of marriage, etc. depending on the type of appraisal requested.
Fees are based on the nature of the appraisal.
Our appraisals have been accepted by the Internal Revenue Service, FDIC, SEC, Banks and numerous Insurance Companies. We will set an appointment time with you to thoroughly discuss your needs and our process.
Our appraisals always include the following:
- Description of the property which is subject of the appraisal.
- Statement of the type of appraisal and value of the property appraised.
- Fair Market Value – is the highest fair price which the property will sell for in the open market with a willing purchaser.
- Replacement Value – the insured scheduled value a client will have to pay to replace property regardless of the purchase price of the original property.
- Liquidation or Distress Value – value placed on the property when the seller must obtain payment “on the spot”. Usually handled by selling to a dealer; the price is that amount which would best reflect a wholesale transaction.
- Statement of contingent conditions that affect the validity of the appraisal.
- Description of the method of appraisal used.
- Statement of the appraiser’s disinterest in the property which is subject of the appraisal, or a good offer to buy the appraised property by a certain date.
- Signature of the appraiser.
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